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Cambodia’s garment exports grew .% in the first quarter to US$.
Data from the General Administration of Customs of Cambodia show that Cambodia’s clothing exports in the first quarter of 2011 were US$3.155 billion, an increase of 24.8% compared …

Sri Lanka political crisis affects Bangladeshi garment shipments
Sri Lanka’s “Daily Mirror” reported on May 14 that the ongoing political crisis in Sri Lanka has led to strikes by more than 2,000 trade unions, and its spillover…

Vietnam’s textile and apparel industry has both opportunities and challenges
Vietnam’s “Customs Online” reported on May 13 that on May 13, Vu Duc Giang, chairman of the Vietnam Textile and Garment Association (Vitasdfssdfss), held a sustai…

Swedish clothing trade is improving
Swedish Radio reported on May 12 that the Swedish Trade Style Index showed that clothing trade performed strongly. Compared with the same month in 2021, clothing sales in physical …

Bangladesh lowers threshold for “local value addition” incentives for garment exporters
On May 9, the Bangladesh Bank lowered the value-added threshold for garment exporters in 2021/11 from 30% to 20%. According to a notice from the central bank, garment exporters wit…

Sri Lanka economic crisis forces apparel orders to shift to India
Officials from the Ministry of Textiles of Sri Lanka stated in April 2011 that as Sri Lanka experienced its most severe economic crisis, textile export customers had gradually shif…

Duty-free cotton imports from India boost exports of value-added textiles
A Sasdfssdfskthivel, Chairman of the Federation of Indian Exporters (FIEO), said that the government decided in April 2011 to remove cotton import tariffs until the end of Septembe…

India’s textile exports target US$100 million
India is trying to gain tariff access from the European Union (EU), Canada, the United Kingdom, and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). India is currently negotiating free trade ag…

Indonesia’s West Java textile industry’s electricity consumption in the first quarter reaches the highest level since the epidemic
In the first quarter of 2011, the electricity consumption of the textile industry in West Java Province, Indonesia, broke away from the haze of the COVID-19 epidemic in the past tw…

Peru decides not to adopt temporary safeguard measures on imported clothing products
On May 14, the Peruvian official daily issued Supreme Decree No. 006-2011-MINCETUR jointly issued by the Ministers of Economy and Finance, Foreign Trade and Tourism, and Production…