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Vietnam exports yarn, 10,000 tons
According to the latest statistics, Vietnam’s textile and apparel exports reached US$2.916 billion in May 2023, an increase of 14.8% month-on-month and a year-on-year decreas…

Madagascar’s review of safeguard measures on imported blankets ends with final ruling
On June 6, 2023, the WTO Safeguards Committee released the safeguard notification submitted to it by the Madagascar delegation on June 2. The Madagascar Investigation Agency (ANMCC…

Bureau of Indian Standards announces the validity period of compulsory certification for textile products
Recently, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) announced the effective date of the 93 product quality control orders issued by the Ministry of Textiles and other departments. Produ…

Pakistan exports cotton yarn 10,000 tons
In May, Pakistan exported textiles and clothing to US$1.321 billion, a month-on-month increase of 7.12%, and a year-on-year decrease of 19.58%; Pakistan exported 35,400 tons of cot…

Cotton yarn demand slows further in southern India, prices fall in Mumbai
Foreign news on June 16, cotton yarn prices in Mumbai, India fell. Due to sluggish demand and buyers remained cautious, Tiruppur cotton yarn prices remained stable, despite the slu…

India exports 10,000 tons of cotton yarn
In April 2011/23, India exported 76,500 tons of cotton yarn (under HS:5205), a month-on-month growth decrease of 16.1% and a year-on-year increase of 5.39%. In 2011/23 (August-Apri…

-Xinjiang exports textiles and clothing. 100 million yuan
According to Urumqi Customs statistics, from January to May 2023, Xinjiang’s export value of textile yarns, fabrics and products was 6.362 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of …

Cotton yarn prices in northern India steady despite concerns over export demand
Foreign news reported on June 19 that at the beginning of this week, cotton yarn demand and prices in northern India were stable. The slowdown in demand in the first half of 2023 c…

Increase in export orders improves mentality, cotton yarn prices in southern India remain stable
Foreign news on June 20, cotton yarn prices in Mumbai and Tirupur remained stable on Tuesday. Average demand in southern India is enough to keep cotton yarn prices at current level…

Polyester-cotton yarn prices fall in northern India, cotton prices steady
Foreign news on June 21 was that due to weak demand, especially in Ludhiana, the price of polyester-cotton (PC) yarn in India fell. On the contrary, affected by the recent price in…