Self-balancing anti-fall shoes for the elderly

An Israeli start-up company still has the intention of “preparing for a rainy day”. They found that when a person loses balance and falls backward, our body will instin…

An Israeli start-up company still has the intention of “preparing for a rainy day”. They found that when a person loses balance and falls backward, our body will instinctively react quickly and take a step back to maintain balance. As we age, As the age increases, the elderly’s reaction will become slower and slower, and the chance of falling will increase (young people always fall simply because they are stupid) �一旦摔倒可能未来几十年就没有什么生活质量可言了,于是利用这个原理,他们发明了b-shoe自平衡老人鞋� �</p

The cool thing about this pair of shoes is that it has a built-in pressure sensor, drive unit, rechargeable battery and microprocessor. Through advanced algorithms, it can analyze whether the old man is about to fall, and drive the heel of the shoe at the moment he is about to fall. Use the track to move one of the old man’s feet back some distance, so that the old man will regain his balance. �而且为了兼容舒适性,内置的全部零件都是用超轻材料� �据创始人形容,它穿起来和普通鞋没什么两样� �他们还设计了各式各样的共计十几种鞋型,用来满足不同曲风的广场舞大妈� �</p

虽然这双鞋看起来跟闹着玩儿似的,但是这款老人鞋的原型产品已经在以色列知名医院里的GaitLaboratory实验室进行测试� �B-Shoe公司正在寻求投资,并预计在2年后进入大量生产阶段� �从此以后,广场上会见到更多新的舞步�

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Author: clsrich
