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What is canvas? Which is better, canvas or oxford cloth?
The canvas shoes we wear and the canvas bags we use are all made of canvas. Of course, the uses of canvas are far more than these. The production materials of canvas are generally …

What is the difference between long-staple cotton and 100% cotton? Is long-staple cotton better or pure cotton?
Long-staple cotton and 100% cotton are both raw materials commonly used in the field of clothing and textiles. Although they are both cotton, their functions are also biased due to…

What kind of fabric is cashmere? How to clean cashmere?
Sheep fleece is a kind of textile fabric, which is more commonly known as polar fleece. It is usually made of chemical fiber (polyester is the most common) as raw materials and und…

What material is mesh cloth? How much does mesh cloth cost per meter?
Mesh fabric refers to a type of fabric with a mesh structure. This kind of fabric is mainly used in clothing textiles and industrial production. Most of the mesh fabrics sold on th…

What material is satin cloth made of? How much does satin cost?
Satin is a fabric that is often used to produce women’s clothing, pajamas, underwear and other clothing. One side of the fabric is smooth and has a bright luster. Its appeara…

What is the composition of Lycra fabric? How much does Lycra fabric cost?
Lycra fabric is also called stretch fabric, which is what we often call spandex cloth. The raw material of Lycra fabric is spandex fiber. It was originally developed by DuPont Comp…

Is organza hard? What are the uses of organza?
Organ yarn is a light and transparent fabric. Most of the organzas sold on the market are made of polyester. Of course, there are also nylon organzas, silk organzas, polyester and …

What is flame retardant fabric? Are flame retardant fabrics harmful to the human body?
Flame-retardant fabrics are a type of fabric with extremely high fire resistance. Therefore, flame-retardant fabrics can still burn, but they can greatly reduce the burning speed a…

What is milk silk? What are the characteristics of milk silk?
Milk silk, like cotton, linen, silk and wool, is a kind of fabric used in the field of clothing and home textiles. The entire processing process of the fabric is relatively complic…

What are the characteristics of linen? What are the uses of linen fabric?
As the name suggests, linen is a fabric made from flax as raw material. Flax fiber is a natural fiber. The fabric made from it has many excellent properties. Linen is widely used i…