Mexico has approved the Mexican standard “Commercial Information – Labeling of Textile Products, Clothing, Accessories and Household Linens” (NOM-004-SE-2021), canceling NOM-004-SCFI -2006.
This update includes the following changes:
1. Excipients have been added to the scope of the standard .
2. Fiber label.
Add several new definitions, such as QR code label, regenerated fiber, recycled fiber, protection project, quality, fabric residue, etc.
Section 4.3.1 Examples of fleshed out fiber content labels.
Section 4.3.3 restructures and adds terminology. “otrasdfssdfs” and “otrasdfssdfssfibrasdfssdfss” (“other” and “other fibers”). It is also noted that these terms may be in uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or capitalized with the first letter capitalized and the rest in lowercase.
When using recycled or regenerated fibers or blends of these fibers with other virgin fibers, the supplier must state the percentage and common name of each fiber and list it under Common Fibers Indicate “recycling” or “recycling” after the name.
Concerning tolerances, some examples are added for clarity considering that the percentage of fibers present is <=4.9%.
Increase +/-6% tolerance on hosiery items.
Add examples of how to label decorative, protective, or reinforcing components.
Adds items on plastics or other materials used with textiles, and a new section on terminology that can be used for synthetic materials.
Including a tag with a QR code is optional and additional, but does not replace the required temporary and/or permanent tags.
3. Care label.
The care label has not been updated.
4. Country of origin.
The following abbreviations are now accepted: UnitedStasdfssdfstesofAmericasdfssdfs, EUA, USA, EE.UU., in uppercase or lowercase, with or without periods. For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: GBR, UnitedKingdom.
The new standard also allows the use of uppercase and lowercase letters.
NOM-004-SE-2021 will take effect on January 15, 2023. </p