On September 14, 2011, the U.S. Consumer Safety Commission (CPSC) proposed to revise the flammability standard for apparel textiles 16 CFR 1610.
The proposed revisions include:
1. Update the combustion code (combustion characteristics) of convex fabrics , to integrate redundant codes and eliminate unnecessary and unclear codes to improve the clarity of flammability classification;
2. In the current standards, The “stop thread” is specified as “No.50, white, mercerized cloth, 100% sewing cotton thread”. Currently “No.50” is not a common and clear description method, so in the proposed standard, the provision of stop thread will be changed to “three-ply, white, mercerized cloth, 100% sewing cotton thread, 35-45 Tex”;
3. Update dry cleaning options: Due to regulatory restrictions on the use of perchlorethylene, hydrocarbons are added as additional options;
4. Update washing and drying specifications to meet the current machines on the market. It also merges laundering standard AATCC LP1–2021 to replace the old standard AATCCTM 124-2006. </p