On May 11, 2021, the Turkish Ministry of Trade issued Announcement No. 2021/27. Upon application by Turkish domestic enterprises, curtains and decorative fabrics (artificial and synthetic) originating in China Fiber fabrics) initiated the second anti-dumping sunset review investigation. The Turkish tax numbers of the products involved are 5407, 5810, 6005, 6006, and 6303. The announcement shall be effective from the date of issuance.
Stakeholders should submit questionnaires and case comments within 37 days of the announcement.
Contact information of the investigating agency (Turkish Ministry of Trade):
On July 25, 2009, Turkey imposed restrictions on curtains and decorations originating in China An anti-dumping investigation was launched. On April 22, 2010, Turkey made a final anti-dumping ruling on the Chinese products involved and began to impose an anti-dumping tax of 70.44% on the products involved, with the tax amount not exceeding US$5/kg (see Turkey Announcement No. 2010/8). On May 24, 2016, Turkey made its first anti-dumping sunset review affirmative final ruling on the Chinese products involved, maintaining the anti-dumping duties on the products involved for a period of 5 years (see Turkish Announcement No. 2016/18).
Original text: https://www.resmigasdfssdfszete.gov.tr/eskiler/2021/05/20210511-7.htm</p