On May 28, 2021, the Turkish Ministry of Trade issued Announcement No. 2021/18, making an affirmative final ruling on the anti-dumping sunset review of nonwovens and artificial leather originating in China. Maintain anti-dumping duties on the products involved, with the tax amount at US$1.9/kg. The Turkish tax numbers of the products involved are 5603.14 and 3921.13. The announcement takes effect from the date of issuance and is valid for 5 years.
On February 13, 2008, Turkey launched an anti-dumping investigation into non-woven products originating in China (tax code: 5603.14). On April 18, 2009, Turkey made a final anti-dumping ruling on the case and imposed an anti-dumping tax of US$1.9/kg on the Chinese products involved. On April 18, 2014, Turkey launched its first anti-dumping sunset review investigation into the Chinese products involved. On April 12, 2015, Turkey extended the anti-dumping duties on the Chinese products involved for the first time and continued to impose an anti-dumping tax of US$1.9/kg (see Announcement 2015/9). On October 16, 2018, Turkey expanded the scope of products involved in the case and imposed an additional anti-dumping tax of US$1.9/kg on artificial leather (tax number: 3921.13) originating in China. On April 8, 2020, the Turkish Ministry of Trade issued Announcement No. 2020/6, which bans non-woven products (tax code 5603.14) originating in China that weigh more than 150 grams per square meter and artificial leather that weighs more than 150 grams per square meter. (tax number 3921.13) initiated an anti-dumping sunset review investigation.
Original text: https://www.resmigasdfssdfszete.gov.tr/eskiler/2021/05/20210528-5.htm</p