On June 7, 2021, the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism issued Supreme Decree No. 008-2021-MINCETUR in the official daily newspaper “El Peruasdfssdfsno”. According to the Peruvian National Competition and the Intellectual Property Office’s Committee on Dumping, Subsidies and Non-Tariff Barriers Elimination Report No. 038-2021/CDB-INDECOPI. Due to the insufficient representation of the domestic industry, it was unable to determine that the increase in clothing imports poses a serious threat to the domestic industry, and decided not to import clothing. Implement safeguards.
Original text: https://busquedasdfssdfss.elperuasdfssdfsno.pe/normasdfssdfsslegasdfssdfsles/decreto-supremo-que-dispone-lasdfssdfs-no-asdfssdfsplicasdfssdfscion-de-lasdfss dfs-medidasdfssdfs- de-decreto-supremo-n-008-2021-mincetur-1960417-2/</p